Commercial Counseling & Litigation

We support our clients’ marketing, advertising, and expansion of their brands with transactional advice and counsel in contentious matters.

Distribution Agreements

Distribution Agreements

We draft and negotiate distribution agreements that support production planning, pricing and channel segmentation strategies and provide advice on competition law and franchise law risks.

Pricing Strategies and Competition Law Support 

Pricing Strategies and Competition Law Support 

We provide counsel on pricing policies, including MAP, Suggested Retail, and price restrictive advertising policies, Robinson Patman and state law price discrimination compliance, as well as on participation in trade organizations and collectives engaged in coordination with competitors.

Go computer v. microsoft

Verso lawyers represented developer of award-winning operating system asserting monopolization claims against Microsoft.

Fisherman's Wharf Bay Cruise Corporation v. Blue & Gold Fleet, Inc.

Verso lawyers handled litigation, arbitration and appeal in below cost pricing and monopolization claims against bay cruise provider

United Process Co. et al v. Raychem Corp.

Verso lawyers litigated federal antitrust claims brought by distributors and competitors.

In re Levi Strauss & Co.

Petition to modify consent decree to permit retailing joint venture

Protection Against Gray Marketing

Protection Against Gray Marketing

We help clients develop policies to protect against distribution through unauthorized channels and have successfully litigated many cases against gray marketers and dealers who violate or interfere with these policies.

Dealer, Collaborator & Licensee Disputes

Dealer, Collaborator & Licensee Disputes

We litigate and arbitrate lawsuits with terminated dealers, licensees, or brand collaborators.

Gallo v. Tequila Supremo

Represented tequila brand in litigation with its licensee, involving two arbitration hearings.


Represented Levi Strauss & Co. in trial asserting antitrust and dealer termination claims.

Ganaderia v. Levi Strauss & Co.

Represented Levi Strauss & Co. in litigation with terminated licensee and subsequent arbitration hearing.


Represented subsidiary of Levi Strauss & Co. with terminated distributor in Asia of distressed merchandise in international arbitration hearing .

Commercial Counseling And Litigation